
For those of you who don't know me, I am an opera singer and I absolutely LOVE honey.  Those two things usually go hand in hand in my experience.  Honey&Harmony, a very fitting name for my blog I think :), is a place where you can find performance updates, recipes, photos, and lots of the other wonderful things I find along the way on this crazy journey! 

The majority of the recipes you find will be completely allergy friendly! I have been eating gluten, dairy, nut and soy free since I was little.  It sounds super sad and boring, I know! but I think I've come up with some really great substitutions and yummy things over the years!  I have to stick to this kind of diet because of what I do for a profession, so the two of them definitely go hand in hand.  I can't sing if I feel sick all of the time!  

So anyway! I hope you enjoy what you find! <3